
Developmental Editing

Submit up to 2000 words  FREE.

Choosing an editor is deeply personal. For new clients, I offer a sample edit of up to 2000 words FREE.  This gives you insight into the process so you know what to expect from a comprehensive developmental edit.  Plus, I'll give you tips to help you improve your writing before you submit the whole manuscript. If you'd like to submit up to 2000 words for review, please use the email button on the left. 

* While I respect all forms of writing, I am not the right choice to edit erotica and horror. 

Comprehensive Developmental Editing Service

As your editor, my goal is to polish your written material to a high gleam and give you the tools to push yourself to greater heights on the next go-round.

What do I catch with a comprehensive edit?

  • Plot holes, problems with story flow and issues with basic cohesiveness.

  • Sneaky misspelled words, misplaced, misused, or forgotten punctuation, formatting errors and hidden double spaces.

  • Redundant sentence structures, overused or incorrect details and grammar issues.

  • Awkward sentence construction, redundancy and verbosity.

  • Tense issues, POV errors and characters acting out of sorts.

I will also give you tips on how to better self-edit for cleaner copies of your future work and give feedback as a reader of your work: what is good or creates specific emotions; what is confusing or makes my eyes glaze over. 


  • Full manuscript

    $0.019 per word. 50% of the total amount is due before the edit begins; the rest is due upon completion. You will receive a PayPal invoice.

  • Rewrite

    Editing of full-manuscript rewrites will be charged a discounted price of $0.0095 per word. You will receive a PayPal invoice.

  • Shorter works

    Blog posts, children’s books, web content, etc, are charged a flat fee of $40 for under 1000 words or $80 for under 5000 words. Total amount is due up front. You will receive a PayPal invoice. Shorter work rewrite edits are 50% off flat fee pricing.

You will receive the fully edited manuscript with all pertinent notes attached. I work in Word format. Communication is conducted through email at or through this website’s contact page.


By submitting your full manuscript, you are agreeing to and understanding the following:

1. Your work belongs to you. The editor will not share it with others.  

2. You will pay your fee in two increments: 50% at the start, 50% at completion.

3. No refunds will be issued unless the manuscript is deemed not ready for a developmental edit, at which point a partial refund may be issued. See *Disclaimer below.

4. You have the understanding that a 100% effort will be put into editing your manuscript, but additional work, like a line edit, can still be beneficial. Errors can be added when correcting areas flagged by an editor. Editors themselves are not infallible. You will not hold the editor at fault for any missed items.

5. Work is submitted as a Word doc (double spacing preferred).

6. You will communicate through proper channels. Use or this website’s contact page.

7. The editor understands your words are a part of you. She will treat them with respect but will give honest and complete feedback. This is for your benefit. If you do not agree with a suggestion, you are not required to implement it.

8. The editor is honored to be trusted by you to handle your words. Be respectful of the fact that this is a team effort between writer and editor.

* Disclaimer:  If it becomes clear the manuscript isn't ready for a developmental edit, all work will stop, and you will be notified. You will receive the notes amassed to that point and get advice on what needs to change in the rewrite. You will be charged for the work already completed. This is the only case where a partial refund will be considered. If you plan to resubmit the manuscript, you can choose to hold that money on account. If you do resubmit after a rewrite, the re-edit fee ($0.0075 per word) will be charged up to the point in the manuscript where I previously stopped. Beyond that point, normal charges apply.